TSP MOOC Platform

A docker based platform dedicated to improve the learning experience of TSP MOOC

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Welcome to the Télécom SudParis MOOC Platform.

This article is a work in progress. Please open an issue if you have a remark or suggestion.

TODO Short summary of the project


This section describe how to use the platform as a user (if you want to know how to create new services or modify the present ones, you can found out the documentation).

To be able to use this platform you need to have docker installed (You'll find the instruction on their site).

Then you have to download and run the overview software:

git clone git@github.com:pfe-asr-2014/tsp-mooc-overview.git

docker build -t tsp-mooc-overview tsp-mooc-overview

# With boot2docker
docker run -it --env HOST_IP=$(ip route|awk '/192/ { print $9 }') debian bash

# Or without b2d
docker run -it debian bash

Et voilà, you can now visit the http://localhost:4000 if you don't use boot2docker, or if you use it, type boot2docker ip and visit http://<the previous IP>:4000.


Having trouble with the platform? Check out the documentation or open an issue and we’ll help you sort it out.